abode of foliage too

I think Navidson will return to the house in one final exploration. He has shown a deep interest in the house and after many traumatizing experiences, he clearly is depressed, with him not talking with people much. I love everything about this book, from the characters to the story to the layout of the pages it’s all phenomenal. This is the best book I have ever read. I don’t think I have anything I dislike about this book, the unique pages sometimes are hard to read, but this is a part of the book that improves the story significantly. A connection with Limetown is the mysterious locations, they both take place in mysterious locations that have little know about them. Everything disappearing from inside the house is also similar to the vanishing of everyone from Limetown, though Limetown’s reason for stuff disappearing is stupid.


Belonging is when you are somewhere you feel like you should be, and feel happy about being there. People need to have somewhere they belong, whether it is a place with friends and family who care about them to a place they just like being at It is important for someone to have a place like this. Without a place where people feel like they belong, they will have nowhere to fall back upon if they are in hard times, or they won’t have a place to reassure themselves of their own importance.

uv myse and men shtuff

A true friend will tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear it. 10. I feel like it should be a universally agreed-upon statement but it’s important nonetheless. Friends are there to support you through life as well as just, be friends. If you are having major issues ignoring, avoiding, or lying to yourself about the truth only ever makes things worse and friends who don’t help you with situations like these are not true friends.

When people are a victim of a crime, they should be able to take the law into their own hands. 1. While the justice system can and will be wrong sometimes, it is significantly more right than it is wrong. It exists because many people are stupid, and giving them the ability to “take the law into their own hands” is monumentally stupid. The reason the justice system exists is to cut out as much error and bias as possible, and having people do it themselves would do much more harm than good,


The definition of Hysteria, by the Merriam and Oxford dictionaries respectively, is behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess/exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement. Hysteria is the core of what caused The Panic in Limetown, being the result of the conflict between those who had and didn’t have the implant. Those who didn’t have implants thought that the ones with them were hiding things from them, causing them to distrust and despise them. After the inciting event of Deidre being caught with an implant, those without the implants rebelled against those with the implants, dragging them outside and beating them and eventually dragging Oscar totem outside and burning him alive. Hysteria is when people, usually multiple in a group, act irrationally, emotionally, and illogically. Those in Limetown were very intelligent and were not the group that would usually succumb to hysteria, but the effect of the rift in society caused those without the implant to feel immense hatred toward those with it. They bottled up this emotion, only letting it out after their anger all came out at once after the Deidre incident. When they would normally act logically, they acted out of pure emotion as they attacked those without the implants and eventually killed Oscar totem.

Abode of Foliage

House of Leaves is easily the best book I have ever read. The book does an amazing job of making characters feel like they are real people in an unnatural environment. Every character has depth and their personalities are explored and broken down when interacting with the house, showing their strengths and flaws. You get to explore the house with these characters, watching as their entire being is almost pulled apart and strewn for you to see as the house itself breaks them down until you can see who they truly are. Each character has a journey, whether it ends well or not, in this book.

House of Leaves has a very unique writing style, with almost half of the story being in annotations in the bottom parts of pages. An iconic part of the book is the fact that the word “house” is colored blue in every single instance it is used, even when it is in different languages. There are many instances of unique writing in this book, including but not limited to words being written upside down, in weird shapes, or struck out.

The book also contains many different images, letters (with one hiding a secret code if you would believe it), and many different poems. It has a writing style, unlike any other book I have read.

A quote the sticks out for me is when Navidson says, “Personally, I just want to create a cozy little outpost for me and my family.” Navidson is finally settling down with his family in a nice home on their own, and yet instead of describing it as his “home” he describes it as an outpost. This statement here at the beginning of the Navidson Record perfectly describes Navidons personality, he loves his family and wants to stay with them but he cannot escape his yearning for the unknown, unconsciously seeing his home as a temporary outpost instead of a home to live in for the rest of his life. This is but one example of many different moments of great character development in this book.

This book is very popular, inspiring many, many different creations like Myhouse.wad

This Doom mod has an absolutely insane amount of effort put into it, with it being regarded as one of the greatest Doom mods ever created, and I doubt another mod of its quality will be created in the near future. This mod takes heavy inspiration from House of Leaves, even replicating the coloring of the word house to blue in the description and extra material in the mod. The impact of this story is not to be ignored and its influence in many different forms of media is something that cannot be ignored.

House of Leaves is one of the best books ever written and should be read by more people, its quality and the effort put into writing this book is shown throughout the entire book and it is a truly amazing read.